
Hillary does not like Obama?

It's interesting how the candidates in these debates call each other by their first names...except that no one says "Hillary" but rather always "Senator Clinton." The other exception is that Edwards gives the formal designation to his fellow candidates, e.g. "Senator Obama."

My rough recollection and perusal of debate transcripts yields what I think is an interesting pattern when it comes to Hillary, who calls the other candidates "Joe" "Bill" and "John," but who does not refer to Obama at all.

Here's a reference of Clinton to Obama on 4/26 in South Carolina:

Obama: But what we can't do is expect that we can continue to impose a military solution on what is essentially a political problem, and that's what we have to organize around.

Williams: Senator Clinton, 30-second rebuttal.

Clinton: Well, I think that what Barack said is right.

At this point, Obama's campaign was just taking off. Since that time, I believe the pattern of her not saying his name in debates holds.

Here's a portion of Meet the Press three months later:

MR. RUSSERT: Margaret Carlson in Bloomberg News weighed in on this, and she had some interesting things, talking about Hillary Clinton, and this is what Margaret Carlson had to say.

“She absolutely doesn’t admire and like very much Barack. In fact, Obama is the only candidate who gets under Clinton’s skin, and the aftermath of a mild exchange at the debate shows just how much.”

There something there, Dan?

MR. BALZ: I think there is something there. We’ve seen some evidence of that from time to time. The Clinton campaign has been—obsessed is too strong a word, but, but obsessed is not far off—with Obama and the Obama campaign from the very start of this.

MR. TODD: I’ll tell you, I think what it—what really irks the Clinton campaign is that part of their appeal was supposed to be not just competent change, not just basically doing a better version of John Kerry’s 2004 campaign, but she was also supposed to be the exciting candidate. She was supposed to be the ones getting the big crowd. She was supposed to be the ones doing the first, being the first woman president, that this was supposed to rally people and get people excited. And instead, he’s taken that piece away from her, where this campaign right now is a debate about him. She’s ahead, she’s the front-runner. She may end up the nominee and she may end up being president, but the primary campaign is all about him. It’s all about whether—is he experienced enough? And if you think he is, you’re probably with him. And if you don’t think he is, you’re with her. But it’s about Obama.

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The Schedule

  • Aug. 11, 2007 Iowa Straw Poll
  • Jan. 3, Iowa Caucuses
  • Jan. 5, Wyoming (R)
  • Jan. 8, New Hampshire
  • Jan. 15, Michigan
  • Jan. 19, Nevada, South Carolina (R)
  • Jan. 26, South Carolina (D)
  • Jan. 29, Florida
  • Feb. 1, Maine (R)
  • Feb. 5, SUPER DUPER TUESDAY, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado (D), Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho (D), Illinois, Kansas (D), Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico (D), New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia (R)
  • Feb. 9, Kansas (R), Louisiana, Washington, Nebraska (D)
  • Feb. 10, Maine (D)
  • Feb. 12, DC (R), Maryland and Virginia
  • Feb. 19, Hawaii (D), Washington (R), Wisconsin
  • Mar. 4, Massachusetts, Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont
  • Mar. 8, Wyoming (D)
  • Mar. 11, Mississippi
  • Mar. 18, Colorado (R)
  • Apr. 22, Pennsylvania
  • May 6, Indiana, North Carolina
  • May 13, Nebraska (R), West Virginia (D)
  • May 20, Kentucky, Oregon
  • May 27, Idaho (R)
  • Jun. 3, Montana, New Mexico (R), South Dakota
  • Aug. 25-28, Democratic National Convention in Denver, CO
  • Sept. 1-4, Republican National Convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
  • Sep. 26, First debate at the University of Mississippi
  • Oct. 2, VP Debate at Washington University in St. Louis
  • Oct. 7, Second Debate at Belmont University in Nashville
  • Oct. 15, Third Debate at Hofstra University in NY

Election Day Countdown:
