
The RBC, and McCain on Iraq

The Rules and Bylaws committee of the DNC meets today to decide what to do with Florida and Michigan. The Politico sums it up: "As it stands, the RBC is in a quandary. If the sanctions hold, it could risk further alienating Democrats – especially Clinton supporters – in two big swing states. But some RBC members worry that seating Michigan and Florida with minimal punishment will diminish the party’s ability to keep states from jumping the primary calendar, which could either lead to an even more chaotic calendar fight four years from now – and possibly an Iowa caucus held as early as November 2011." Chuck Todd has the best breakdown.

The video posted below relates to my recent post, "McCain's Campaign Contradictory." This is how John McCain will lose in November, if he is seen as too old, too tied to President Bush, and too attached to a failed Iraq strategy to be president. He must be seen as way more competent on national security and Iraq than Obama--that's really all he's got, and if this image falters due to his own mistakes, then he's toast.

McCain has the disadvantage of being in the Senate for a long time. This means he's a blow-hard like John Kerry. Arrogant, accustomed to power, accustomed to media fawning over him, used to giving intricate and (relatively) subtle and long-winded speeches on the Senate floor, the traits of the longtime Senator do not translate well to being an effective presidential candidate.

The debates are going to be absolutely huge for McCain. If he is subpar in the debates, he won't be able to beat Obama.

Blogging will be light for the next couple weeks, as I'm traveling to Israel and then to Chicago.

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The Schedule

  • Aug. 11, 2007 Iowa Straw Poll
  • Jan. 3, Iowa Caucuses
  • Jan. 5, Wyoming (R)
  • Jan. 8, New Hampshire
  • Jan. 15, Michigan
  • Jan. 19, Nevada, South Carolina (R)
  • Jan. 26, South Carolina (D)
  • Jan. 29, Florida
  • Feb. 1, Maine (R)
  • Feb. 5, SUPER DUPER TUESDAY, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado (D), Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho (D), Illinois, Kansas (D), Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico (D), New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia (R)
  • Feb. 9, Kansas (R), Louisiana, Washington, Nebraska (D)
  • Feb. 10, Maine (D)
  • Feb. 12, DC (R), Maryland and Virginia
  • Feb. 19, Hawaii (D), Washington (R), Wisconsin
  • Mar. 4, Massachusetts, Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont
  • Mar. 8, Wyoming (D)
  • Mar. 11, Mississippi
  • Mar. 18, Colorado (R)
  • Apr. 22, Pennsylvania
  • May 6, Indiana, North Carolina
  • May 13, Nebraska (R), West Virginia (D)
  • May 20, Kentucky, Oregon
  • May 27, Idaho (R)
  • Jun. 3, Montana, New Mexico (R), South Dakota
  • Aug. 25-28, Democratic National Convention in Denver, CO
  • Sept. 1-4, Republican National Convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
  • Sep. 26, First debate at the University of Mississippi
  • Oct. 2, VP Debate at Washington University in St. Louis
  • Oct. 7, Second Debate at Belmont University in Nashville
  • Oct. 15, Third Debate at Hofstra University in NY

Election Day Countdown:
